ACE 통합지원센터

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기업맞춤형 기술지원, 정책뉴스, 지원사업소개, 유망기술 제공 등
다양한 기업지원 정보제공을 위해 노력하겠습니다.


  • 주식회사 지엔피시스템
Company name GNP SYSTEM Co., Ltd.
대표명 (CEO) Lee Jung Kun
대표전화 (Phone) 042-933-0522 이메일 (E-mail)
홈페이지 (Web Site)
41, Techno 10-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon
Major Product
교육훈련용 시뮬레이터 개발(원전 및 화력) 및 원전 엔지니어링
주요 사업분야
(Major Business)
Development of Simulator for operator training. Engineering of Nuclear Power Plant
기업 소개
(Company Info.)
GNP SYSTEM is developing full scope simulators of all type nuclear power plant in Korea, that are WESTINGHOUSE, FRAMATOME, KSNP, KSNP+, APR1400, for 23 years. GNP SYSTEM is only one company in Korea that has a capability of the Key-Technology of the nuclear power plant simulator that develop Core(NESTLE) and Thermal-Hydraulic(RELAP) model by ourselves.
ㅇNuclear Power Plant Simulator is to develop whole system, which are CORE, Thermal-Hydraulic, BOP(Balance Of Plant) and PPC(Plant Process Computer) system and Instructor Station, of the nuclear power plants for operator training. We, GNP SYSTEM, carrying out “Performance Test of the simulator” based on ANSI- 3.5, 2009 that are Steady State Operation, Malfunction, Transient, Abnormal and Emergency Operation after the simulator development by ourselves

ㅇDetail works are as shown below
- Development of Primary and Secondary System of the nuclear power plant
- Development of Electrical System of the nuclear power plant
- Development of MMIS(Man Machine Interface System) for ESCM(ESF-CCS Soft Control Module), RCOPS(Reactor Core Protection System), QIAS-P(Qualified Indication and Alarm System) and QIASN(Qualified Indication and Alarm System- Non Safety)
- Emulation of MARK-VI turbine control system
- Development Instructor Station of the simulator
제품 사진
Product photo

기술 설명
ㅇDevelopment of Core and Thermal-Hydraulic Model by ourselves
- GNP SYSTEM has a capability of the Key-Technology of the nuclear power plant simulator that develop Core(NESTLE) and Thermal-Hydraulic(RELAP) model
ㅇ Exclusive MMI Tool for Simulator
- To meet various object realizations when develop the simulator, GNP SYSTEM developed Lucid-Studio that is an exclusive MMI Tool for the simulator
첨 부
pdf (주)지엔피시스템.pdf